This page was last reviewed on 22 April 2021.

Easter Devotion by Harriett Jane Olson
If you have not been aware of the
Lent and Holy Week Devotions
UMW has posted on their website,
take a look at the others.

about the status of our denomination,
from Harriet Jane Olsen.

Great article in MIConnect about the NCJ Election

NCJUMW Election Results
Here are the results of the
North Central Jurisdiction UMW Leadership Team
and Board of Directors Online Election July 10th.
They will serve 2021-2024.
Congratulations to Ruby Anderson
who will continue another term.
Congratulations to Marchelle Phelps, Pat Bostic,
and Simmie Proctor who are representing
Michigan on the Leadership Team!

A Circle of Thanksgiving
An article from 2012 on the UMW National
website but still relevant.

Nov 18 CBS This Morning Show -
News about "Push-out" documentary

Church Ratifies Women's Equality Amendment11/6/2019

Climate Change Accords - 11-19

about the 150th Anniversary from
a Northern Skies member Jane Yaeger

A 2020 Mission u Youth event.
Plan now to attend next year.

Back-to-School Webinars with
United Methodist Women:
Interrupting the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Maternal Infant Health Plan for Michigan
Announced Sept 5, 2019.
Relates to the UMW focus Maternal and Child Health

Heritage Sunday was May 19 in 2019.
The General Commission on Archives and History
which provides resources for this is recognizing
UMW's 150th anniversary this year.
Resources may be found here.
You can use these materials anytime as you honor UMW.

Women's History packet for the Local Church
from the General Commission on Archives and History
This information is available all the time on their site.

A Powerful Video of the UMW GC2019 response
by Harriett Jane Olsen CEO

Comments after GC2019
by United Methodist Women
CEO Harriett Jane Olson

The Reading Program is now online.
It encourages members to think critically
about current issues through an annual selection
of member-reviewed books.
It offers an excellent opportunity
to deepen your spirituality and
to broaden your understanding
of our mission work.

The District Boundaries report
for the Michigan Conference.

This shows the district maps
and gives the names of the churches in each district.

In preparation for our sesquicentennial,
Methodist Theological School in Ohio
gathered papers for a conference
entitled "United Methodist Women's History:
Voices Lost & Found" held in 2015.
This is a 23 page working bibliography
of resources illustrating the rich history
and legacy of United Methodist Women.

Onward Christian Women Song
sung at the Annual Celebration in Marquette in October 2016

News From United Methodist Women National
United Methodist Women
2016-2020 Board of Directors
and Program Advisory Group

Be Just. Be Green.
Click on the link above to find
more information about these programs:
13 Steps to Sustainability
Become a "Be Just. Be Green." Advocate
Carbon Footprint Calculator
Women's Carbon Fund

Action Alert:Remembering the Past
by Examining the Present

Justice and Responsibility in Modern Times
Women and Slavery

Hope and Hospitality
United Methodist Women
resource on immigration:
Hope and Hospitality,
a resource manual for migrant rights.
It includes Bible studies, worship,
programs, hymns and prayers,
United Methodist policy, articles
and resources on controversial issues,
a resource list, action ideas, and
articles linking immigration
to other United Methodist Women
social action priorities.

Immigration Report
"Because We Believe:
United Methodist Women Take Action
for Immigrant and Civil Rights 2006-2012"

United Methodist Women Launches
Principles to Immigration Reform
United Methodist Women across the country
are doing amazing work.
Click here to connect to the webpage
with downloads of the report
and more information
about what you can do.

Michigan Conference United Methodist Women Home Page
The content of these pages is the responsibility of the Michigan Conference United Methodist Women.

Please send feedback to the Webmaster.